Brooke P.

10 Product to Increase Your Health & Wellness

Traditionally, New Year's is a time for resolutions. Promises to make changes to your mind and body while also setting goals to better oneself. For many, the new year can be a time for renewal, a time to bring about a happier, healthier you. Here are some of my favorite things to help achieve your health and wellness goals for the new year.

Fitbook Lite

The Fitbook Lite is a 6-week fitness and nutrition journal to help kick start your healthy goals. Whether you are beginning your weight loss journey or just want to lose those last few pounds, fitbook lite is a great tool to help you reach your goal.

  • keyshawns

    Is there a difference between the fitbook and fitbook lite?

  • brookep

    @keyshawns, the fitbook is a 12-week journal that is more heavily focused on long-term goals for overall health + fitness. the fitbook lite is a 6-week journal focusing on toning up + sliming down.


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